
Wesley Verhoeve taking a photograph on a tripod while standing on a dock jetting out into a lake in the wintertime.

Process Newsletter

Every Sunday, I publish Process, a weekly newsletter about photography and finding your voice inspired by my own experience as a professional photographer and curator.

Join me behind-the-scenes at client shoots, or watch me break down the process of how to make a photo book, build a portfolio, and pitch a project.

I also pull past projects from my archives and share lessons learned.

Finally, I dig into the more philosophical aspects of photography by answering questions like “Who are you taking pictures for?”

Process exists to inspire, encourage, and empower as many people as possible to tell stories through photography.

Each issue includes a Subscribers-Only Giveaway with prizes ranging from cameras to film, books, accessories, and more.

Process is the most well-read photography newsletter on Substack.


A group of painters and artists standing around some paint cans and other supplies.

Mentoring Sessions

Are you passionate about photography but you’re not sure what your next step is? Do you need help reviewing your portfolio and picking the best images? Would you like to ask an experienced professional photographer questions about the craft and the industry?

If any of these check out for you, a personal mentoring session can help you clarify your goals and practical next steps to achieve them.

Wesley Verhoeve as he watches a book binder put the finishing touches on his photography book NOTICE.


I teach a variety of online and in-person photography workshops.

During the pandemic I started teaching online workshops with a focus on how to create, build, and pitch personal projects.

Starting early 2023 I will start offering in-person workshops in various cities.